Third Party Objects - Naming Conventions


Legendary Poster
When a 'Third Party' provides a solution for your organizations - what are your expectations for their naming conventions?

* Do you expect them to supplier their own System Code or work within the 55-59 range?
* The Initial Character of the Object is 'always' standard. However, regarding the System Code/Pair, could be wide open. What are your expectations?
* Regarding Custom Data Dictionary Items - use the System Standard(s) prefix(55-59) or supply their own prefix(XXsomething)

I' prepping to release some product (some give-aways) - and wanted to make sure that I don't offend any organizations, once I do...

I have some insights on what to/not to use - just looking to see what others' expectations are, too.
For the 3rd party billing add-on that we worked on, all the custom data dictionary items were Z55xxxxx, and all the objects followed the custom standard (system code 55 and 56).

Even the included menu structure was Task ID 55.

And all put together using Product Packaging (8.11 SP1, 8.12, and 9.0).

When you created new Data Dictionary Items - where they 55's, also?

Yes, we followed all the usual rules to ensure all the customizations would survive ESUs and upgrades.
JDE has reserved System Codes for some Partners. These are in the Q00 to Q99 range. One partner we know uses Q59 for example.
We use 55-58 for our own internal custom objects. 59 was initially reserved for test or "sandbox" objects. However, we have implemented a couple of 3rd party products and their JDE objects all used 59.

Also keep in mind that if you have any functions, you should probably name them with a standard prefix to avoid any name collisions.
Just a consideration;
Oracle assign a system code for partner (my own is Y59 for example), if you use 55-59, that is a customer reserved code, you can conflict with customer custom objects.
So it's my opinion to avoid 55-59 system code and, if you dont't have you own code, use a 3 letter code.
Thanks JDE,

I had been pointed to a document regarding 'Third Party / Interface' type Data Dictionary Items - that specifically stated to prefix them with Y or Z (Y55 - Z59), for Interoperability considerations.

I have considered looking into the three character system code - just to make sure I didn't step on things.

Again - thanks for the feedback!

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