Subitting a UBE from APPL


Well Known Member
Hi everyone,
I am trying to call a UBE from an APPL. The UBE is populating F0911Z1, than calls F09110Z, and than delete the newly created F0911Z1 records. The F09110Z fails and it looks like it doesn't get all the records supposedly created in F0911Z1. When I call the UBE directly it runs just fine. Does anyone have a clue? I appreciate any help.
This may be totally wrong because I only know how to use APPLs, but with a UBE calling a UBE, I remember there were issues with synch and asynch execution. The way you describe it, it sounds like the first UBE has not finished populating F0911Z1 before the second UBE runs.
Brad may have a point there. Have a look at the following Oracle Support doc:

E1: RDA: How To Create a Report Interconnect [ID 626500.1].

That one helped me out a few times.