Sales Quote Freight Line Amounts



Legendary Poster
We've been using Sales Quotes for the past month, and just ran across some strange behavior. It seems that we can add an "F" type line to a sales quote with a specific dollar amount the first time just fine. If that line is still active (i.e. next status not 999), then if we try to add another "F" type line for the same customer on either the same or a different sales quote, the dollar amount for the "F" type line always reverts back to the dollar amount for the first active "F" type line.

Has anyone else seen this or have an explanation why this would be happening?

We are just adding an "F" line to the Sales Quote (SQ) document. I'm not familiar with the Freight Update you mention. Could you please let me know what Freight Update is about, or point me towards some documentation about it? Thanks!

06/28/02 - 08:40 AM (PDT) Update: I've also tried this using an SO document, and I get the same behavior, so it's not just Sales Quote-specific.
Freight update is tied to the Advanced Transportation Module, which it
doesn't sound like you are using. I couldn't replicate your issue. Do you
have any modifications to the P4210?

We are just adding an "F" line to the Sales Quote (SQ) document. I'm not
familiar with the Freight Update you mention. Could you please let me know
what Freight Update is about, or point me towards some documentation about
it? Thanks!

I believe I may have found what is controlling this behavior: there is a processing option in the "Process" tab, # 7, which controls Automatic Blanket Releases. If this is set to 1, we have the problem wherein only 1 active "F" line dollar amount is allowed. If I set it to blank, then the problem goes away. Still doing more testing, though.

if you have set up the processing option of the P4210 to point to blanket order (as said in previous message) you will still have the problem.
The system point to Sales Quotation for the same article number and the same customer number if the line remains 'open'.
Just change the PO !

Other solution, enter SO and validate. Then reinquire the SO, select the line and press 'Zero price' (in the exit row) then OK. Reinquire and change the price manualy, I think that works.
