RUNUBE - Job is going into Error



I have a UBE which is running fine in E1 when we run manually but when we submit job using RUNUBE command it goes in error "Unable to locate table in specified datasource for section: To Process F4311Z1 Records"

This happens with one verison of a UBE, can some body help me in this

E1 9.0

Job Log

8505/148 MAIN_THREAD Thu Mar 29 15:50:11.313800 jdb_rst.c1841
JDB9900318 - Failed to find table information in TAM using RDB

8505/148 MAIN_THREAD Thu Mar 29 15:50:11.314096 jdb_rst.c448
JDB9900913 - Failed to create global table specs for F0010T

8505/148 MAIN_THREAD Thu Mar 29 15:50:11.314152 jdb_rst.c1243
JDB9900307 - Failed to find table specifications

8505/148 MAIN_THREAD Thu Mar 29 15:50:11.314232 jdb_rq1.c1872
JDB3100007 - Failed to get valid table specifications
verify there are no event rule and layout overrides for that version. If there are remove them and re-create the overrides if still necessary. Check back in, then submit version specs. Re-try. If still acting up, build an update package with the UBE and versions. Re-try.