RMA creation via XML Call Object


Does anyone know how to create RMA via XML calls. Is there any template to create RMAs. JDE only provides example templates for Address Book, PO, and SO.

Any words will help

Hope you find this sample useful
We are using this to create a work order by calling a NER

'* Copyright (c) J.D. Edwards World Solutions Company, 2003
'* This unpublished material is proprietary to J.D. Edwards World Solutions
'* Company. All rights reserved. The methods and techniques described
'* herein are considered trade secrets and/or confidential. Reproduction
'* or distribution, in whole or in part, is forbidden except by express
'* written permission of J.D. Edwards World Solutions Company.
'* Source File: TestConnection
'* Description: <Generic...>
'* Author: Kalyan Chakravarthy
'* Date Created: 09/22/2005
' Revisions:
'Option Explicit

Const OW_PASSWORD = ""
Const OW_PORT = ""
Const OW_HOST_NAME = "hosts"

' Test with XML
MsgBox GetXMLResponse()

' Test with AOC Integration object
'MsgBox AOCUtility.IsObject(GetOWConnection())

'*** Test the OWXMLInterop.dll object directly without using ERPIntegration.dll objects ***
Function GetXMLResponse()
'Create XML string to send to XMLInterop object.

strXML = "<jdeRequest pwd='" & OW_PASSWORD & "' type='callMethod' user='" & OW_USER_ID & "' session='' environment='" & OW_ENVIRONMENT & "' sessionidle='" & OW_SESSION_TIMEOUT & "' role='*ALL'>"

strXML = strXML & "<callMethod name='CallX4801WorkOrderMBF' app='ConfigServices' runOnError='yes'><params/></callMethod>"

strXML = strXML & "<param name='szBusinessUnit'> 10010</param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='szBranchPlant'> 10010</param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='szWODescription'> Test1 </param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='cBillOfMetrialChange'>Y</param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='cNewPartNumberRequired'>Y</param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='mnOriginator'>100</param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='cWOType'>1</param>"
strXML = strXML & "<param name='cWOPriority'>1</param>
strXML = strXML & "<param name='mnAssignedToNumber'>100</param>

strXML = strXML & "</jdeRequest>"

'Send the XML using XMLInterop only.
Set objXMLInterop = CreateObject( "JDE.AOC.XMLInterop.XMLInterop.1" )
strResponse = objXMLInterop.owRequest( OW_HOST_NAME, OW_PORT, OW_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, strXML )

GetXMLResponse = strResponse
End Function

' Test to connect with the AOC OW Integration objects
Function GetOWConnection()

SET OWConnection = CreateObject("Premisys.Customworks.OneWorldConnection")
OWConnection.ServiceURL = "" '<--must be blank for non-CIS
OWConnection.UserID = OW_USER_ID
OWConnection.Password = OW_PASSWORD
OWConnection.Environment = OW_ENVIRONMENT
OWConnection.Port = OW_PORT
OWConnection.HostName = OW_HOST_NAME
OWConnection.ConnectionTimeout = OW_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
OWConnection.SessionIdle = OW_SESSION_TIMEOUT


Set GetOWConnection = OWConnection
End Function

You call BSFN's with XML, so you need to determine what the BSFN's are to create an RMA.

Once you know that, you use the XML template retrieval nethod to get a template created for you for each BSFN required.
You call BSFN's with XML, so you need to determine what the BSFN's are to create an RMA.

Once you know that, you use the XML template retrieval nethod to get a template created for you for each BSFN required.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are over 30 BSFN called by RMA program (P40051). I was hoping to find a template to create RMA instead of writing all the codes..
Please let me know where from I can find the walk-through of XML business function calling.