Reversing a purchasing voucher

Aman Reddy


Version: OneWorld Xe

We have a strange problem. When A/P people reverse a voucher it is not deleting G/L entries made while vouchering.
1. Create a voucher by matching PO receipts. It writes G/L entries to 'received but not vouchered account'
2. reverse the voucher. It reverses the voucher but does not delete the G/L entry from F0911. The application does not give any worning or error.

Please help us to find why it is happening like this.
You should see reversing G/L records with a different G/L batch that will relate to the reversal.

JDE will not remove G/L records.
Was the voucher batch posted already ?
If yes, then check Void/Reverse flag in the GL.It should be set to "V"
The voucher is not posted. JDE says that if voucher is not posted it will delete the record from G/L.