Reporting Tools and Business Analytics


VIP Member
As a long time JDELister, I know this "survey/poll" has come up (and yes, I searched the Archives) but my company is moving in this direction so I'm on the hunt for products to meet this need. We are currently on World (likely not going anywhere anytime soon) and our users are clamoring for better reporting tools out of JDE/Psft. In the past, we have dabbled with NGS/IQ and Showcase Strategy but they never really took off (not the users fault). So I'd like to do a poll of what you all have out there and the pros/cons of the products. I know that's a wide open question but it's pretty wide open from our end at this point as well. I welcome any comments and hopefully others out there can use this informal survey to their advantantage as well. Feel free respond directly ([email protected]) or private message if necessary.
Hi Sannan,
I am fortunate to have worked for a very large consultancy and had exposure to a very "mixed bag" of work experience. From that, I remember the BI guy and I having a few lengthy chats about just this subject.
To cut a long story short, make sure you use the right tool for the right job - dont try and use an data mining tool for analyitics and vica versa..

You need to determine if the real requirements are
1) Query & Reporting and OLAP - where showcase falls (owned by SPSS I seem to recall)
2) Balanced Scorecard & Performance Management
3) Financial Reporting, Budgeting, Planning & Consolidation
4) Activity Based Costing Applications
5) E-commerce Analytics : Webmining & reporting
6) Supply/Demand Chain & Manufacturing Analytics
7) Other Pre-built Analytical Applications
8) Data Mining

Once you know which area you are looking at you can find the right tool.

I took these headings from our database of vendors which I use for package selection. Although this requires some updating due to consolidation in the market as well as vendors broadening their offering, this should be close enough for you to start your research.

I hope this helps a little, but feel free to contact me if you need any more information.

Warm regards

I'm not sure how you feel about Microsoft's Access, but I have been able=20
to do wonderful things with it. I can quickly create any report I want,=20
send our POs and other reports via e-mail, etc. If you aren't interested=20
in using Visual Basic for Applications (which many people don't seem to=20
use), it is fairly easy to learn. I am connected via ODA which ships with =

the Fat Client and all of the steps to link Access to JDE are listed in=20
the Knowledge Garden.

Good Luck!


Mike Skibyak
Ark-Les Corporation
Director of Materials - Mexico
(915) 231-3531
[email protected]

ssolberg <[email protected]>=20
Sent by: [email protected]
04/28/2004 09:17 AM
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Reporting Tools and Business Analytics

As a long time JDELister, I know this "survey/poll" has come up (and yes,=20
I searched the Archives) but my company is moving in this direction so I'm =

on the hunt for products to meet this need. We are currently on World=20
(likely not going anywhere anytime soon) and our users are clamoring for=20
better reporting tools out of JDE/Psft. In the past, we have dabbled with =

NGS/IQ and Showcase Strategy but they never really took off (not the users =

fault). So I'd like to do a poll of what you all have out there and the=20
pros/cons of the products. I know that's a wide open question but it's=20
pretty wide open from our end at this point as well. I welcome any=20
comments and hopefully others out there can use this informal survey to=20
their advantantage as well. Feel free respond directly=20
([email protected]) or private message if necessary.
Sannan Solberg
World A7.3 c11
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