Report printer output font issue [JDE XE]



Well Known Member
Hello All,

One of my user needs Report print-outs in Arial font, right now he is getting print-outs in Times font & screen PDF in Arial font.
I did changes in Font application for English language as in P0092 user was tagged with E language,But the outcome is the same old Times font in print outs.

I relogin into JDE but the same story.

Is there any other setup required for the same?

Please let me know.

We have XE running on AIX machine
User gateway: Citrix

Thanks in Advance.
Hi All,

Sorry to post in an old thread but I am having the exact same issue. My client is upgrading from 8.0 to 9.0. In the RDA, all the fonts are mentioned as Arial, but on the PDF they are coming as Times New Roman. If I change the font to any other type like Verdana, the changes are taking place but only for Arial , it is taking Times New Roman.

I checked in the server and arial font is present there. Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,Paul.
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