Report Footer Question


I have a simple report with Driver Section and Report Footer. Driver Section prints two records, but the Report Footer is printed on new page. I checked the properties of the Driver Section and the 'Page Break After' is off. Though I can print the Report Footer values on the same page using the Custom section but my question is 'Do the Report Footer prints on New page' or is there any setting/properties I am missing.
I have a memory from the ERW class I took 4 years ago that says the Report
Footer always comes out on its own page. I tried doing a search through the
ERW manual to see if I could find some evidence to back that up, but the
documentation only says that the Report Footer appears at the end of the

Sorry that I don't have a more definitive answer. If nobody else can help
you, you can always do a work around by creating a custom section and
calling it from the End Section event of your main section.

Good Luck.
Report footer prints at the end of the report. If you want to print something at the end of every page, use page footer instead. good luck
create a conditional section and call it from the End Section ER of your last section.....

good luck