Reducing backup window


Well Known Member
We are a 24 / 6 operation, and daily backups are becoming a headache. It's taking about 3 hours, during which time our picking and shipping operations almost grind to a halt because they don't have access to the system. One of the strategies we're considering is to split our JDE data files into more than one library, setting up one with only the files that would be needed by the distribution folks.
We'd shut everybody down, back up their library first, then let them back on the system while we back up the rest.
Our production data library FCDPRDDTA is about 160GB.
Does anyone else do this, and are there any issues to watch out for?

Configuration: Model 720 V4R5 A7.3 Cum 13
We use BRMS software, and the Save while active feature helped us
considerably with our backup window. You might check into this first.
Gayle Glenn
Computer Operations Supervisor
Pentair Water Technologies

<jon.curry@farmer> To
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Reducing backup window
11/17/2003 09:31

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We are a 24 / 6 operation, and daily backups are becoming a headache. It's
taking about 3 hours, during which time our picking and shipping operations
almost grind to a halt because they don't have access to the system. One
of the strategies we're considering is to split our JDE data files into
more than one library, setting up one with only the files that would be
needed by the distribution folks.
We'd shut everybody down, back up their library first, then let them back
on the system while we back up the rest.
Our production data library FCDPRDDTA is about 160GB.
Does anyone else do this, and are there any issues to watch out for?

Configuration: Model 720 V4R5 A7.3 Cum 13
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