Records Getting Skipped


Dear All,

Hope everyone are doing fine.

I have a problem with the Records being skipped.

If i run the report(i have all the data selections,PO in place and correct),some of the records are not getting selected and are being skipped.but when i run the report the next time immidietly,it processes the same records without any probelm.

Did anybody experience the same problem.

It is really annoying from the users point of view.

I am not able to figure out why is this happening.

Please do reply for this.I would be highly grateful to you.

All have a great day ahead!

Hi Krish,

Please, answer some questions to let us know more about your issue. Thanks.

Q1.) How do you notice, that some record had been skipped?
Q2.) What kind of type section is effected?
Q3.) Do you use any Hide Section or Suppress Section Write system function?
Q4.) Is it a custom report, a vanilla, or a modified vanilla?
Q5.) What is the effected table?
Q6.) What kind of type BSVW is attached to the section (e.g. single table, join type, etc.)
Q7.) Have debugged the UBE and/or checked the log?
Q8.) Did you notice anything, when does the UBE skip record and when not?
Q9.) Where do you run the UBE?

...OK, this will be enough now


Hi Zoltan,

many thank for your reply and Questions.

Well,Here is the answer to your questions.

1.We intially have a list of records(sales orders in this case) to pass on to this report with a status say..590.This report picks up all the sales orders at status 590.When we run..we founf out that,the report has not run for few of the sales order,but has run for the rest..There is nothing special about the skipped sales orders.So now when i run for these skipped orders again,it picks up perfectly and the report is processed.

2.It fails in the Initial Section itself( i guess so,as i cannot debug,since it runs on the server..)


4.A Custom Report.


6.Single table

7.The report takes sometime to it is not realistic to debug,if hundered's of orders are fed to run the report(if run locally)

8.Actually,we run this report(which has hundered's of sales order records to run) b4 we leave the office at the end of the day,so cannot actally monitor when it is getting skipped.Even though if we run during office is not realistic again to monitor for hunderes of records.

9.Sometimes on the server and sometimes locally.(so that the queue is not blocked on the server).

Please do bug me if you have any more i need a desperate solution to this one(i am getting jolted behind

Thanks once again Zoltan.

Hope to hear from you soon and sorry for this biiiiiig post.

Hi Krish,

Here are the other questions:

2.It fails in the Initial Section itself

[/ QUOTE ]

Q11.) What does it mean exactly?
Q12.) How do you select the records (e.g. version level or a ER programmed way in the Initialize Secion event)?
Q13.) Have you detect this pkenomenon with and without skipping, running the UBE by the same user on the same place?
Q14.) Is it a read-only report or does it update the database?
Q15.) What is the type of the affected section (Columnar, Group, etc.)?
Q16.) How do you know, that some record had been skipped? Did you count the number of affected records before/after UBE run?
Q17.) Does something run simultaneously, when record are skipped?

My first guess, that it can be either a security or record-lock issue.

Read you later,

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