Processing / Spinning Icon


Help me JDEList...please.

I'm at my wits end with this and we still get very little help or assistance from Oracle.

We are currently on E1 9.0 with Tools release I'm not the E1 admin, but I'm looking for help on my own at this point.

The problem stems from users across the WAN on links ranging from 1.5mbps to 6mbps complaining constantly about Internet Explorer giving them a "spinning processing icon" that eventually times out.

I've read some posts on here, tried some settings, but no luck. Most of the settings are in regards to IE6 or IE7. We've modified the Max Connections in the registry, set trusted site settings, modified the trusted sites themselves, etc.

Our environment is all Windows 7 with IE8 or IE9 at this point.

FIREFOX works fine, no processing spinning icons at all, no timeouts. The only problem with Firefox is we can't upload attachments due to some setting on the Websphere servers I'm told.

I'm hoping someone here has a real fix for Internet Explorer 8/9. Post all the links/fixes you've got...I'll take anything at this point, even stuff I've already read/tried.

Thank you!
I have had some luck with the following two IE settings:

Check for newer versions of stored pages: IE sets this setting to Automatically by default. Setting this to Every time I visit the webpage will force the cache to be updated appropriately. In Internet Options under the General tab click the Settings button for Browsing History.

Increase HTTP Connections: IE 6 and 7 have a default http connection limit of 2 and IE 8 has a default http connection limit of 6. Microsoft Support KB 282402, provides instructions for a registry change that will increase this to 10 or even 20. The end result is that certain applications and the task explorer can load multiple objects such as gif files concurrently. The end result is that some applications response will decrease 10-60%.

Good luck, I know those are a pain in the you know what!
We are having a similar issue although we do not use IE8 and are able to replicate the issue with IE9.

One question: You say you have Windows 7 with IE8 or IE9. Can you say definitively whether it happens with only IE8 or whether it's both IE8 and IE9.

The reason I ask is that the MTR for Windows 7 IE8 is 8.98.2 and IE9 is Technically at you aren't qualified for Windows 7/IE9, althogh that in and of itself does not mean it won't work.

Your answer may help to identify whether there is a specific fix for Windows 7/IE9 in to make it all work or whether it was simply a case of Oracle testing the combination at that TR level and not necessarily an indicator that an earlier release wouldn't work.
Check if there are toolbars that have been added to the browser. The Google toolbar has caused us issues (like the ones described) with JDE in the past. If any toolbars exist, try to disable or uninstall them.

We have a few users on IE9, but the majority are on IE8. However, both browsers exhibit similar behavior.

The interesting thing to me is that almost all of our users that are within the LAN that the AS/400 and Websphere servers are on do not experience the spinners, it's typically only WAN users experiencing them.

Yet these same WAN users don't experience issues with Firefox.

I've experienced this many times on our site in the past (with IE 7 and 8 though). Always resolved by the 'max connections' addition. However, you may want to read the earlier post regarding IE 9 and compatibility with 811. I've experienced issues with IE 9 and tools


Some additional suggestions:

Enable 'Compatibility View'

Enable 'Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed' to clear cache between visits.
Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab

Manually delete temprorary internet files. After deleting, close all browser windows, even those not in E1. Restart with a new single IE window to re-login to E1.

Make sure disc space for Temporary Internet Files is reasonable. Defaults can be large. I use 100MB.
Tools > Internet Options > Disk space to use setting

Consider IE8 'nomerge' setting. Never needed this, but new for IE8.
Try Google Chrome Frame. It's an IE plugin. It dramatically improves the performance of E1 and has stopped Spinners for us.

We too have tried all the registry and IE settings. The settings reduced the number of spinners, but didn't stop them. Google Chrome Frame stopped them.

Please update us with your experience if you try it.
Thanks, we will look at the no-merge option, that's one we haven't checked into.

We also have just installed Google Chrome Frame on 2 users PCs per a thread here on JDEList to see if that will help at all.
Please post update about the Google Chrome Frame and the no-merge option as soon as you can. We have this issue as well and are at a dead-end!! FYI - We're on IE8.
We've implemented Google Chrome Frame on about 20 machines that were experiencing "Spinners" and they have stopped. It's been almost 2 months now.

Users also report the interface is faster/snappier.

I think the issue is Microsoft is focused on ActiveX performance and could careless about Java. Okay, that's obvious. Google, is more interested in the performance of Java. Hence they build an IE Java Engine Plugin.
I believe those users have not setup for max connection to 10 (download files). This issue also called stuck in processing we had similar issue but resolve after change the max connection value in the register to each users for IE.
Search for "stuck in processing". oracle website

We tried everything here to fix the "Processing Loops"
All IE fixes, Chrome Frame, Updated to the lastest ESU, Updated to latest Tools release. Was fixed a bit, but not gone.

We then went from Websphere to Weblogic and have not had ANY processing loops to date.

That is very interesting (websphere to weblogic).


Yes, based on one of your threads on here from March we installed GCF on a few users AFTER setting the MaxConnections, no-merge, etc. The GCF is what's made a difference! So far among both remote users that typically got 2-3 spinners an hour easily, there has only been a single spinner reported among them in the past 4 days!

I hate to install GCF on every workstation, but if that's what it takes at this point, fine by me.

FUNNY THING: Our JDE admin was on the phone Friday with Oracle support and the guy said "I run Chrome, it works better than IE, but I'm not supposed to. IE always locks up for me on our JDE servers, so I just run Chrome."
We were told to go to Firefox. JDE does run great in Firefox, but we have users that freak out if the color of their desktop changes. I can't imagine having them deal with multiple browsers.

We're trying to figure out how to command line install or mass deploy GCF to all machines on the network. I'll post what we figure out.
I found this in the Google Forums... ( )

The Chrome Frame team is excited to announce the immediate availability of
an MSI installer for Google Chrome Frame. The MSI installer will help expand
the reach of Chrome Frame to those who need a standalone installer due to
network restrictions or to better integrate with their deployment
infrastructure. The MSI bundles together both the full version of Google
Chrome Frame as well as the Google Update service used to keep Chrome Frame
up-to-date and secure.

The MSI installer is designed to be run silently (using the /q switch to
msiexec.exe) and as such has a very minimal UI if you run it directly. As
with the regular Chrome Frame installer, administrative privileges are
required to install using the MSI.

Please test it out, and send us your feedback. The MSI installer is a work
in progress, and we'd love to incorporate your ideas and suggestions. The
MSI can be downloaded by navigating to

and selecting "Accept and Install".
With Google Chrome Frame, do you still set all the same options as IE? If not, what options have you set or registry settings have you made.

Daneille Eddy
Just an update.

GCF did help but users still experience the spinning icon on occasion. They report that it went from "unusable" to "decent".

We are still trying to figure out an end all be all fix but so far nothing has worked to completely eliminate the issue.

Question: has anyone tried the actual Google Chrome browser itself? can you do attachments with Chrome?
Maybe we are missing something, but I downloaded and installed Chrome Frame and chrome is not loading when I am in JDE. I see chrome.exe processes when I go to sites like yahoo, but nothing for JDE. If I make a custom frontend to call JDE and add the html tags, it will load up chrome.

Even with chrome frame loaded up or using chrome browser, when I try to go into an app, it get the processing loop.

Tools the issue with chrome browser? How are people getting the frame to load up without hacking the html code?
can you do attachments with Chrome?

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes - all functionality works under 9.1 Tools, providing you disable ActiveX controls.