Problems with Item Availability x Work Order Hard Commit


Well Known Member
I have a serious problem here with some itens availability.
We control itens using local and lot number, but we use lot number only to separate itens manufactured in diferent months like "200701", "200702".
Everytime, the sales person prints a pick slip for a certain quantity of a item and the system makes a Hard Commit of theses quantities. This is normal, but sometimes the item is not shipped in the same day and it can stay waiting for several days.
The problem is that our warehouse is full and for many reasons the item that has these hard commit status have disponibility in another local of the warehouse, but it is very dificulty to take it from these other local to ship to another client for logistical reasons. Cause of that, if they sell these same item for another client, they need to take it from these hard commited local and transfer these hard commited quantity to that another local that has quantity available.
Anyone knows a way, or has some trick, to change these hard commited quantity from a local to another one, without cancelling the pick slip? Remember that is not so simple, cause sometimes it needs to transfer half to a local and half to another local.
It is gaving me a lot of trouble here, cause the users are forcing the transfer and my disponibility is not trustable cause the system is lefting hard commited quantities negative in the local/lot that my users are forcing the transaction.

If I understand right, you have more than one warehouse which are located i n
differenct places, so that you need to do transferring to meet those hard
commit quantity. If my understanding is wrong, please correct me.

According to my understanding, I have an idea that is to define more
branch/plants. And one branch/plant means one "Local". You can still let
them share a same lot number if those goods are produced/purchased in one

You know, one sales order has two branchs to assign. The one on the order
header is the one worked as the cost pool. Another one is the warehouse you
stored the goods.


2007/3/8, rcandeo <[email protected]>:
From your post, I see the problem as being one where stock is hard committed to one sales order, but because of a delay in shipping and the entry of sales orders that require earlier shipping, there is a need to use this stock for the more urgent order.
Lot control and hard commit make it difficult to manage this stock acros multiple orders.
The answer is to use a soft commit until the stock is ready for picking, at which time the warehouse staff print the pick slip and the eligible stock is hard committed.
this minimises the need to take stock committed to one order for shipping to another order.
This may require a change to Availability calculation, processing options for order entry and pick slip print, and the process for entering orders, releasing to the warehouse and printing of the pick slip.
Hi There!
Your basic problem seems to be that you hardcommit your orders before you know that they are going to be picked and shipped, so your orders can be hardcommitted for several days

You should address the root cause of the problem and change the process so that the orders are not hardcommitted until you are ready to ship them. i.e used the scheduled pick date (if the sales order entry people want to decide when to pick the orders) in data selection of the pickslips.

If you must print a pickslip from order entry, change the processing options of that pickslip version to not hardcommit inventory. You will then need another pickslip print that is run by the warehouse when they want to start picking orders that are ready to be shipping (scheduled pick date equals "today" or earlier)

Hi Viesta, I don't wanna sent from another branch plant. Just wanna transfer the item from a local/lot to another one and take with it the quantities hard commited.
Thank You.
Thank You but I need this hard commit before, cause if don't do that, the product can be sold to another client.
Olá Robson,

Pelo que entendi, você tem o controle de local e lote, porém ao imprimir o pick slip e não retirar o material, nas próximas retiradas, o saldo de quantidades em Hard Commit, fica "furado". Se for isto mesmo, pode me responder algumas perguntas? O métode de disponibilidade é o estoque em mãos menos o hard commit? Vocês usam o Ship Confirm (P4205)?
Seria possível ter mais locais de estoque para uma transferência temporária (ex: tirar do principal e mandar para um local de "separação XTPO"? Caso não ... seria possível ter mais passos no processo de venda? (ex: rodar o um primeiro pick slip somente para avançar status sem comprometimento e depois outro quando a mercadoria estiver mesmo a ponto de ser embarcada?).
Se for isto mesmo, vejo que fica um pouco confuso controlar o estoque, pois podem ser geradas disponibilidades negativas e assim muitos programas (inventário / manufatura) devem ser revistos para saber se permitem as baixas com disponibilidade negativa.

Espero que tenha ajudado.


Cristiano R Oliveira
([email protected])
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