Print Long Text on a Interactive version


Hi All,
Can anyone tell me how to print a long text (string) of more than 10000 characters on a interactive version(any jde form). Right now I have the long formatted string in a word document.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Gobinath,

What is your system configuration?

What do you mean "Print Long Text on a Interactive version" and "any jde form"?

Do you want to send it to the printer?
Do you want to display it on a form?
Do you want to edit this text on a form?


Hi Gobinath again,

Do you want to display it as formatted text?
What about attachments?

Is the text constant or variable?

You can display long text (not formatted) in an edit control, where you can enlarge the size of the control as well horizontally as vertically. You can play with the Horizontal and Verical Scolling properties of the control.

You can also add Text Block contol onto the Form.
(do not ask, how does it works - I've never played with it)


Hi Zoltán,
Yes, I want to display it on a form and it is a static read-only formatted text. I will try with Text Block contol like you suggested. Thanks a lot.

Hi Zoltán,
I tried to use Text Block control to dispaly the long static text using "Add Segment" system function. But I dont know how to enable Vertical scroll bar in this control. If the text exceeds the screen size, it becomes invisible.
Any help would be appreciated.
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