Populating Generic Text Files


VIP Member
Anyone have experience populating the "generic text" files in JDE from another source (via an RPG program I assume). I've gotten familar with the F0016* files enough to understand what happens when I add text to something. (appears to be just the F0016 and F00163 files that get hit when I do thing). What I'm afraid of is:
Am I missing any other files I should be touching?
How is it coming up with the next "serial number" (serk) value? Can't seem to find a Next Number that is controlling it...? (and the data dictionary doesn't help me much)

My example is some inventory part info that I have (and can get into any flavor I need to get this done) that I need to get into the generic text files just as if someone entered it by hand. It's a one-time conversion.

Any ideas/helps are welcome!
Hi, Sannan -

I had to do something similar a couple of years ago w/ the Data Dictionary glossary text file, which works similarly. You should look for an existing program that uses the X00160 generic text file server and get the logic from that. I don't recall where the SERK comes from off the top of my head. Hope this Helps!
"ssolberg" wrote:

another source (via an RPG program I assume). I've >gotten familar with the
F0016* files enough to understand what happens when I add text to something.
(appears to be just >the F0016 and F00163 files that get hit when I do
thing). What I'm afraid of is:Am I missing any other files I should be
Can't seem to find a Next Number that is >controlling it...? (and the data
dictionary doesn't help me much)My example is some inventory part info that
I have (and can >get into any flavor I need to get this done) that I need to
get into the generic text files just as if someone entered it by hand.


Look at P0016 - it creates F00163 and F0016 records.

Assuming that you understand the way that the application code (C5WAPP) and
composite key (C5CKEY) are used, what you are trying to do is quite simple.
For Item Notes, C5WAPP should = '*INMG' and C5CKEY should have the short
item number in the leftmost 8 positions, with the rest of the field blank.

Generally, as far as creating F00163 and F0016 records:

1) When creating a new F00163 record, once the WAPP and CKEY fields are
validated, it finds the highest serial number (C5SERK) currently used in
F00163 by using *HIVAL to SETGT against F00163LA (Key = C5SERK), then a
READP to read the last record in this logical file. It then adds 1 to the
value of C5SERK and creates the F00163 record with this new value for
C5SERK. (If no record is found in F00163, it will start with C5SERK = 1).

2) To create the F0016 records, it uses the value of C5SERK from the F00163
record to populate the CYSERK field in F0016, along with a unique value for
the line number (CYLIN). (When viewing the text for Item Notes on the V0016
screen, text line 1 would be CYLIN=1, text line 2 would be CYLIN = 2, text
line 3 would be CYLIN=3, and so on).

Steve Landess
Austin, Texas
(512) 423-0935

Steve Landess
V4R4 A7.3 cume9
(512) 423-0935
Thanks for the replies. I was able get them populated after looking at some of JDE's stuff as recommended. I was missing a file that I needed to populate as well. For Item Notes in inventory, there is also the F4016 file that has 1 record for each part with notes on it. SERK is not a next number, just a HIVAL+1 value as new records come in.

Got all the data in today and users are smiling! (for the time being...)
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