P42997 Split SO Lines with Inventory from Multiple Locations


Hi, we are currently experiencing the following issue where we have multiple locations for a single finished good. During the Allocation process through Pick List create, P42520 the Allocation, P42997 programs the lines are not splitting even though there is On Hand quantities in the multiple locations. The Pick Slip produces and does not equal the quantity shipped from the Sales Order.

1. Sales Orders are entered and Soft Committed
2. Hold Code Release and Back Order Released is Run (Soft Committed)
3. Pick List process is run (Pick List sometimes produces with reduced quantity)

I know that the SO process and Release B/O process are Soft Committing and Pick List is a Hard Commit. Are we missing a step to confirm that maybe a timing issue has occurred where the Soft Committed quantities were Hard Committed minutes prior to this particular Pick List being produced?

Has anyone ever seen this occur?