Multi-currency balances in JDE


Active Member
JDE currently only allow balances to be posted by currency for 48 individual business units per company, using the PBCxx AAIs. I have raised SAR # 6352189 to increase this but it has been returned unplanned due to no support from other customers.

Can I ask all those of you for whom multi currency processing is important to please add your names to the SAR? I strongly believe that JDE must enhance their software to allow full multi currency processing across the entire suite of applications in order to support those of us with global business requirements. Whilst our problem is in World the same issue applies with OneWorld.

Many thanks

World A7.3.11
Hi Nanda

Try setting up your AAIs as follows

PBC01 - Company 00000 - Business Unit Blank - Object 1000
PBC02 - Company 00000 - Business Unit Blank - Object 9999 - Subsidiary 99999999

This will enable post by currency for all business units across all companies.

Please note the the Retained earning account is the only balance that is not held by currency.

If you already have live data then you will need to convert these balances.

I would probably approach this by deleting entire F0902 and reposting. Obviously test in alternative environment first.

Good luck
Thanks for the reply - however I only want to activate PBC for specific BUs. The software cannot do this, but only allows PBC by company as per your example.
