"Misc Dollars" in Hrs & Qty (P311221)


Active Member
\"Misc Dollars\" in Hrs & Qty (P311221)


Hi all,

My client wants to add additional cost to be added at the work order level while execution. For this, I have tried using Hrs & Qty application (P311221). I have entered "Type Hrs" as "9" and entered my additional cost in the field "Misc. Dollars".

When I run the completion report (R31802) for the work order, I am expecting IH value to include the Misc.Dollars value that I entered in Hrs & Qtys (P311221) Screen. But, this is not happening. Pls advice me what could be the reason for this.

B. Sathish Kumar
Re: \"Misc Dollars\" in Hrs & Qty (P311221)

Sounds like you may not have run the hours and quantity update - run R31422 to update the values into the costing/varience area.

Hope this helps.

Best regards

Re: \"Misc Dollars\" in Hrs & Qty (P311221)

In addition to Peter's reply I think you should consider the real possibility that Manufacturing R31802 does not support Misc Dollars. I have NEVER seen this used and would be very surprised if this worked. The reason for this is as follows:

ONE: As far as I know this is used with Equipment/Plant and CSMS Service Orders that have special Billing Routines to pick up the Miscellaneous costs and BIlls them to the Customer.

TWO: As you cannot put a Miscellaneous Cost onto a BoM or Route then it cannot be compiled into a Standard Product Cost Components during Cost Rollup R30812. In Manufacturing you use the X# Cost Type and define it manually. However, you cannot control this in execution. Therefore none of the Product Costing or Manufacturing Accounting routines would be built to handle this.