Migration to EnterpriseOne, platforms and sizing

Ciro Iriarte

Hi, at the office there's an old AS400 server running JDEdwards A73 (that's all the info I could get from the people managing the application) and we're looking to upgrade probably next year. From what I could find (mostly from wikipedia) EnterpriseOne 9.0 is the way to go.

Looking at the Oracle site I couldn't find a list of the supported platform and hardware requirements. All I could find is this unofficial screenshot for v8.98:

v8.98 supported platform

Is there any established guideline for sizing?, or a link to a hidden Oracle documentation?.

That screenshot is a fair summary. EnterpriseOne's great strength is that it is flexible as to what it can use for the back end database, and the front end web server. The only part that has to be an Intel/Windows server is the Deployment Server.

The Minimum Technical Requirements are available in Oracle's MetaLink3 web site. If you are current on support with them, you should be able to log in there and browse to the Index of MTRs (link).

Honestly, you should contact your Oracle customer account rep before you take a big step like this. You should also get a handle on your own needs within your company. If you've stayed on World A7.3 this long, the likely cost of upgrading your hardware to something that will handle E1 is going to be 6 or 7 figures, at least. Your rep, and others that will eventually be involved in the project, will help you determine if upgrading World, or migrating to EnterpriseOne, is best for you. Remember, there are new versions of World out there too ...

Full disclosure: I'm sure my Sales department, or several others on JDEList, would love to help you with this too.
Hi, thanks for your answer, was really informative. I'll pass this to the people that has access to Oracle and their local support.
