Matching receipt and invoice in diffrenct currency code.


Well Known Member
Hi girls and guys

If anybody tried to setup process (with programming issue of course) which allow matching receipt and invoice in diffrent currency code?
Receipt is in foreign currency, invoice in domestic currency.
Do you think that this is possible at all and have a sense?

I think this may be possible, but I have never done it, and always preferred to have both invoice and payment in the same currency.

I have seen situations where the payment currency has been converted to the same as the invoice currency prior to payment being entered and applied.

Hope this helps.,
You should be okay to do this.=C2=A0 Though you are on a fairly old version .=C2=A0 My suggestion is to test this out in a test environment first.=C2 =A0 There might be SARs applying to currency translation that you may need to apply to correct any issues before doing this for real.=C2=A0 As long as the invoice currency is either the domestic currency or the foreign curren cy, you should be okay.=C2=A0 The problem would happen if say the domestic is USD, foreign currency (on PO) is MXP, and the invoice is in EUR.=C2=A0 T hen you would have a problem with matching the receipt an invoice.=C2=A0 Bu t that is not your situation, so you should be okay.=C2=A0 But test first.
John Dickey