Location / Lot


I'm processing a sales return.
The lot number of an item is specified.
But the location from where the lot was previously issued out has been filled in by other lot numbers. Thus, cannot return to that location.
Can I make a return in SOP of an item with lot number to a different location, without defining the location/lot information in Inventory module? Remember the previous issuance was done from a location where the lot was defined. But now, the return is to a different location. Do I have to set up first the information for the location and lot?

For example, an item was sold from location A001 with lot number 123. The information for A001 and 123 were set up in Lot Control - Item/Lot Information. However, when the lot 123 has been consummed, its location was filled in by other lot numbers and no more spaces. Suddenly, a return was received for lot 123. I cannot return the lot number 123 to a DIFFERENT location (e.g., B001) because I assume it must be set up first in Item /Lot Information. Is this true? How can I make a return in SOP to a different location not set up in Item/Lot Information? Many thanks...
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