Loadrunner script sample needed


Looking for example Loadrunner scripts for EnterpriseOne 9.0 performance testing. Specifically need to confirm if any special manual modifications are required to be made to the scripts for correlations, etc.
Companies pay a lot for an HP Engineer to get a LoadRunner script to work. I know, I am a Performance Lead on a very large project and we just completed our Interactive testing using LoadRunner. I can give you a hint, cookies and timestamps.

Thanks Ethan. I'm seeing correlations to be made for RID and Menu structures but fail to see how to drive timestamps. Are you sure you can't provide more than just a hint? If you'd like to work out an arrangement between companies send a private message. -Lee
Hi I try to run a test script also with HP Load runner, but I got an errors when I replay the test , could you please give me some hits for running these, thanks in advanced
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