invoice in SOM


Active Member
I have some probloem in sales order managment.In this module i want to prepare data migration template for invoice.
so i tryed to find the realted fileds from the print invoice report
it is using .In this report they r using v42565j view which in turn using f42565.But they doing some deletion operation
after the report is displayed.So if i got that table there r no datas.
So i want to know where from it is getting datas.

r else tell me wht r all the tables involved in invoice.
so that i find the respective fields.And prepare table.
Sounds like you are trying to figure out how to import data from another
system into JDE for the purpose of creating sales orders and printing
invoices. You should probably look at one of two processes in JDE.

1. Batch Order Creation which uses the F4001Z and F4011Z files. The batch
program is R40211Z.
2. EDI Order Creation which uses the System 47 files. The batch program is

This is preferable to loading the Sales Order files directly, as many
important edits and defaults are done by the batch programs.

I have a white paper which details the minimum required fields, the files
involved, and some potential issues to watch out for. I'd be glad to send
it to you directly, if you would like a copy.

Andy Klee

PS. You can also use the same process to convert your sales history into

Invoices are not 'stored' as such in SOM. R42565
gathers information from F4211 to generate the invoice
data and create an output form. Once the form is
generated, any temporary work files are deleted. If
you are looking to convert SOM invoics for accounts
receivable, you need to look at bringing data into
F03B11 using an AR conversion. If you want to bring
accross historic sales data, that will flow into
F42119. The data conversion information is available
on your documentation CD.
--- kasi78_2000 <[email protected]> wrote:

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