interactive performance


I have an as400 for sale , it has the following configuration
Huidige configuratie
Processortype 730- 2067 - 4 weg
Client Server CPW value 2000
Interactive CPW value 70
Intern geheugen 6 GB
Schijfgeheugen 50 x 4.19 GB
Softwaregroep P30

the customer who wants to buy it has asked me if the interactive value is good enough to use peoplesoft world.
can anyone give me an answer.

We always used the machine with jde oneworld and it always performed good, but mayb e world may use more interactive time i don't know

As with most things, the answer is that it depends. I am runing World on a model 270 with 50CPW interactive, and it is more than adequate. But, I only have about 35 users on the system. I am not an AS/400 technical expert, but from what I can see it is really the batch processing (what you call Client Server) that puts the heavy load on the processor in World, and the 2000CPW batch is 2x what I am running. I can't tell you how many users your AS/400 would support on World, but I would guess easily 50 and probably more.

Oh, the version of the OS probably matters too. We are running 5.1

Marc Gerritt
World 7.3 CUM 13
We have a 730-2067 and are co-existent, supporting about 40 concurrent users of World (payroll/property mgnt modules) and it's working fine. The kicker is when you pass the 11% mark of CPU using interactive. Most World functions would not cause anyone to surpass this, but SQL users will.
Please elaborate on the legality of this product in light of IBM continuing to post disclaimers on PTFs that specifically warn of this type of product not being permissable. Thanks. A73C13 iSeries