HTML not working as Fat client


Active Member
I have made changes to the Control is exited button to have an error set .. it is working on the fat client but it is not working on the JAS server!!!

Can someone please let me know if they have come across the same scenario and if there is some workaround to this??

Also what does the "Post HTML" option do on the event rules?
This usually has something to do with null and blank values

So if this error is triggered by something being blank, try adding or null to the if statement too
Post HTML might be just what you are looking for.

Per the Xe documentation....
The HTML client refreshes during the following events: Set Focus on Grid, Push Button Clicked, Check Box (Only if ER exists), Radio Buttons (Only if ER exists), Bitmap clicked, URL clicked, Tabs selected, Tree Control actions, Events marked as HTML Post events.

Looks like you found your own solution....and mine too. Thanks
Ben again,