how to remove negative on hand qty


Problem: Item availability is showing negative On Hand qty
Root cause: Sales order ledger shows for a particular SO line Shipment Confirmation is processed two times(on hand update field SO02 = 1 for two entry).
issue: Now the on hand qty is showing negative and availability negative

Is there any way to correct this other than Inv Adjustment.

A normal Inventory Adjustment / Cycle Count will have associated GL transactions that will not resolve financial aspect of this discrepancy and it might bug you during reconciliation. You can consider an inventory transaction with Debit and Credit DMAAIs (e.g. 4122 / 4124) pointing to same account # or if permitted and carefully tested,a SQL to resolve this issue.

Also, If you have double AR/GL Entries then you may need adjustments to reverse the effect for them as well.
The above is exactly what I did for this situation. I created an IY doc type and pointed the AAI's the same inventory acounts so there was no effect in the GL.