How to recieve all Errors in the Workcenter


Active Member
Here is a bug/feature depending on your point of view.

We have a UBE that is using 1 text substitution message to actually represent many errors, depending on the situation. We are getting output to the workcenter. That is fine. However, if we set on the a message more than once with that DD error message with differing text (for example "Item 123 invalid" and "Item 456 Invalid", both have the same DD item) we are only getting one message in the work center. From what I can tell JDE is trying to be smart and say that we set the same error twice, so it is only reporting it once. Has anyone found a solution for this so that you can get all errors, even if JDE thinks they are duplicates. We are on 8.11 8.96 Tools Release, but I think this is the way it has always worked. You don't have the same summarization problem when working on an interactive app.
Bump. Never did find a fix/workaround for this. Anyone else have any suggestions.

If you haven't already have a look at the F01131 and F1131M tables which hold the structure of the work centre messages. Also get a debug log of multiple error messages being written to these (and other) tables from a standard UBE. You should be able to work out what bsfn is doing what depending on the parameters. Please note that different messages have different SERK numbers in the F01131 and F1131M tables.

I have previously posted (thread 142984 entitled "Work Center Report") information that I have discovered as to how the work centre works - but from the point of view of getting information out, not puting it in.

I hope this helps.
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