How often do you run R03B16?

Steve King

Active Member
I'm back in M&D land after being over in Job Cost land for the last 3 years.

So I have probably a fairly stupid question, but I did search JDEList and Oracle before I'm posing it:

How often do you run R03B16? We're running it nightly, does it need to be run that often?

Thanks for humoring the old guy,
R03B16 creates a single record per customer per company with which the customer has A/R activity per month (plus a consolidated company 00000 record). So if you run this report on the first of December records will be written to the F03B16, one for each customer and company for December. But when you run it again on the second, you update all of the December records from the day before if the customer's statistics have changed.
Unless you need daily statistics such as Days Sales Outstanding, Days Late in Paying, Amount Over Credit Limit, etc. I cannot see running this report but maybe weekly to obtain the information that my credit and collections team might be using; and again at month end to update the monthly snapshot.
I know that there are some large sophisticated customers out there (not me) who might need this information daily, but if you have a tight window in which to run nightly operations then this one needs to be examined again.
Just my two cents.
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