Help with Calculated Field



Would someone be so kind to help me with adding the calculated field, '% of Sales', to my Financial Report? I need to calculate % of Sales on an income statement from the current period activity, current budget, YTD activity, and YTD budget. The calculation is the same but I'm having a hard time trying figure out where to get Gross Sales current/YTD and Gross Sales Budget current/YTD. My guess was to add a global section variable but I just can't seem to grasp the concept. I would appreciate anyones expert advice.

Your financial functional friend.
I'm assuming you are using a financial report?

Create the financial column that brings back the non-percentaged field...
Create a new column, set it equal to the financial column * the percentage (RV PCNT = [Financial Column] * .2)

You can then either leave the original Financial Column visible or hide it.


I am using the financial report writer tool. So, for my expample, take my first column - Current Period Activity - (this is an income statement) you want me to create another column, set it equal to the financial column times a percentage? What percentage? I'm trying to find the percentage of each accounts period activity divided by Net Revenue for the entire period. Does that make sense? Unless I'm missing something. I really will try anything so if you say to multiply it by 2 than I will.
Sorry, brain cramp - must have understood about half of what I thought I was reading.

Same principal, though. For each column/row you want to display - create the total, the amount for each type(selected accounts/periods...), then create a working column/row where you will place the calculated field.

I'm heading out for a bit - I'll try to be more discriptive, if you need it. Just let me know.
