Help on JD Edwards Warehousing required


Well Known Member

Any experts on JDE Warehousing out there ?

I'm trying to set up a putaway process but when I run the batch R46171 to generate the putaway suggestions, I'm getting an error on the pdf saying '3584 - Instructions not found'. Any idea what set up is missing ?

I am not Warehousing experts but if you can go thru the code or take help of developer you can find where it is expecting the value or the cause of error.

Looks like Movement Instructions are missing in P46095 for the Putaways.
Ashish Kapadia

I've checked they are here. What else could be wrong ?


This can occur for many reasons. To begin with ,pl have a look at Process Selection (P46093) for Warehouse Processing Groups combination of this Item/Branch Record and validate that the Putaway table name defined in the Process selection is right .You should have Putaway Instructions defined for this table name with right UoM.
Ashish Kapadia

They seem to have been properly set up but there must something that isn't right for me to be getting this message. I actually had an item set up previously and I've been able to run the putaway ok but the new item I've set up, I couldn't get it to work. Any further help will be greatly appreciated.

One more thing : I've been trying to set up a manual replenishment from a replenishment location to a picking location then ran the batch R46171. But I'm getting the error '3596 - Request overrode location'. What does that mean ?

For Putaways: Breakdown flags in UoM Definitions (P46011) and Instructions (P46095) play a key role during Putaway processing and might be a reason for this. Are the highest level UoM set to not allow breakdown here ? You may compare configuration for the two items and see if this is causing issue.

For Replenishment : Are you getting an error or are the suggestions getting created with this message (Usage Code) ? 3596 appears when we provide a location in Request and R46171 does not decide a location for us.When the To location is valid for transaction and inventory exists , we should get a valid suggestion. This is not limited to Replenishment . Usage Code will appear during picking as well in case we override Picking Location in Sales Order or Part List.
Hope this helps.
Ashish Kapadia

Thanks for helping me out.

The only difference I see between the 2 items is that the one for which the putaway process is working has both PL and EA set up in the UoM definition in the Item Master (with the structure code set to 1 for PL). Thus the P46011 and P46095 have been set up for both PL and EA. The breakdown flag is N for PL.

For the new item, only EA has been set up.

For replenishment, the request is being closed (status = 299) rather than the request being suggested (status = 399). I'm trying to move stock from one location to another (the To location being a picking location) using manual replenishment so I've specified the From and the To locations. Should I then not run the R46171 ?

What happens if I just use an Inventory Transfer ? It seems not to be recommended but I'm not sure why.


For Putaways: It appears to be configuration issue. Breakdown flag in UoM Definition by item (P46011) along with Allow Partial Flag defines whether next level (in this case Ea) will be considered or not during processing. Without knowing your business requirements or your configuration, its not possible to pinpoint the issue or provide a full solution, but you may want to try changing Breakdown flag on PL UoM in UoM Definitions by Item (P46011) to Y and see if it goes down to Ea level.JDE caches F46011 so you may want to wait for changes to be effective or flush the cache. I am assuming that both items are using same instruction table and you have defined Item Definition by UoM based upon Item Dimension Group (common for both items) and this fits your business needs.

In Replenishment : If the suggestions are reaching 399 status and requests are reaching 299 status then they are getting closed. Are there corresponding Cardex records? If yes, are you using R4617 (Batch Confirmation UBE) to automatically confirm suggestions( You will find this on Confirmation Tab in R46171 PO).In that case is Usage Code 3596 an issue or an inconvenience?

Ashish Kapadia
P4113 (Inventory transfer) does not gel well with F4602 and for that reason it should be avoided. Typically we find fragmented or messed up Location Detail Sequence records in F4602afterwards.
Did you find out what is causing the issue ?
Hello Everybody

I have almost the same problem we ran the R46171|XJDE0001 for putaway suggestions and we get 3584 error messages and the leyend of this messages is "Not found intruction table" then we review the instruction table menu then review all the setup that was necesary and the process don´t run.

Can you help me, pls?

thanks a lot


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