hardcoding grid data selection....


Active Member
Does anybody know how to hard code data selection within a grid (with a BSVW already attached to it)? I've tried the System Function - Set Selection, but it doesn't seem to work, I've tried using different parameters, in addition to clear selection before calling the Set Selection system function, but still no go. Any ideas, suggestions?? Thanks in advance for your assistance....

what you do is create filter fields in the header that correspond to business view fields in the grid. Hide the fields so that they don't show and then populate them with a filter value in the Dialog Init or Post Dialog Init event.

When using set selection the parameters you need to use are;
Grid - FC Grid
Table - a literal table from your view, e.g. F0101
Alias - the dictionary alias from your view, e.g. AN8
Comparison Type - what ever you want
Comparison Value - what ever you want
And/Or - what ever you want

Depending on where you put the system function call you may need to do a Clear Selection first otherwise everytime the set selection is called it will append it to the last selection and you could end up with something like

select * from f0101 where aban8=1 and aban8=2 and aban8=3

Not calling the set selection append flag doesn't stop it working for me, but I would have thought that it should be called.