Financial/Tabular report level break footer question



Active Member
Hi All,

I have written a fairly simple tabular/financial report using the V8300001 standard report. All is working well, but I have one quirky little issue which has stumped me so far: How do I get a particular field to print on one level break footer, but not any others?

The report is sequenced by:

  • company

There are level breaks for all of these. At the lowest level of detail (subledger), users want to see the subledger status, and at the job(MCU) level (2nd)they also want to see the job type (a category code on F0006). How do I get the job type to print only when we are printing a job level break footer?

The problem I have is that I can't prevent the job type printing on the region and company level break footers. I've managed to stop it printing at the lowest level (subledger), but can't work out how to stop it printing for region and company level totals.

All suggestions welcome!