Field Auto Exit


Well Known Member
Hi Listers,

How can I make a field auto advance in an application? To be specific, when I scan the bar code for order number, the order number filed will be filled up. Then I have to press the tab button to go to next field. How can make the fileld automatically advance to the next field, once the order number is scanned?
We use Intermec scanners, the field exit was part of the scanner setup
not JDE. Hope this helps.

I have tried my scanner with notepad and it's worked but
in PeopleSoft Enterprise One APPL ,just only fill in the value no event is active...
Anybody know please help

I'm not sure what kind of equipment you are using for scanning, but my experience is that you set that on the scanner. Check into your scanner documentation to see if you can set it up to send the "enter" with the scan.
Dear Ellen,

"Quick Scan Pro 2000" is the name of that equipment I 've used. we can found them in evry supermarket. I'am sure that I have configed it follow the document and then test on notepad. After scanned the labal the value was sent and the cursor was sent to the new line. But after scanned to the APPL screen the value is sent but it not action any event rule. (Headeless Detail Form).

wait to hear from you....

ERP8 AS/400 DB2
Hi! Hamen,

I've found the same problem with you. Do you have any solution ?.

ERP8 AS/400 DB2
I'm not familiar with that particular scanner. However, try looking in its
documentation for a way to send a Postamble character. Hopefully you can
configure it to send a tab character at the end of every scan instead of a

Good Luck
Re: RE: Field Auto Exit

Hi eydeak,

Thanks for help. I would like to explan my case. I've cofigured the barcode reader follow it's document and tested scan the label on notepad. After scanned I saw the value on notepad and the cursor goto new line. Then I've configured it to send tab instead of enter and it's work on notepad (I saw the value and the cursor goto the right hand position). But after I've tried on the screen it's just filled in the value but not automatically press the tab or enter I've been set before. But on the other hand if I scan and then press tab button myself it's work.

This is a very serious case for me. So I hope that you can help me for more informations.

Thanks in advance helping..

AS/400 ERP8

Re: RE: Field Auto Exit

Hi Manoch,

Not sure, that my idea will work, but you can make attempt.
Make a user override, setting the column as Auto-Return.

Good luck,

RE: RE: Field Auto Exit

Unfortunately, I'm out of suggestions. If you are getting the tab in other
applications, you should be getting it in JDE. We've used Wasp scanners to
do the same kind of thing and didn't have any problems.
Re: RE: RE: Field Auto Exit

It's very nice to hear that you have done the same kind of thing and didn't have any problems. I will try to cofigure the scanner instrument agin by carefully and hope to find solution. Thank you very much.
Re: RE: Field Auto Exit

Hi Zoltán,

I,ve tried your suggestion and it's not what I need.
However thanks you very much for your help.
I've copied standard programm of JDE to modifyed to new one.
The APPL is using Headerless Detail Form. You know that there are two parts on this form ,one is grid section and other is form control section. On form control section you
fill in a value using a keyboard and the press find button to seek data from business view. What I need is that If we use the scanner instead of keybord how can it press the find button automatically after the value is in.

Hope you can help and regard,

Re: RE: Field Auto Exit

Hi Manoch,

You are welcome aboard.
(a bit late, I know)

Suggestion A.) Can you setup the scanner, what character code to send after the bar code?

If yes, set up to send ALT-I code.

Suggestion B.) Can you setup the scanner to leave the field after bar code has been read?

If yes, then check, if does any ER exist for that field on the form in "Control Exited xxx" events. Place a "PressButton(HC F&ind)" system funtion call as the most last ER line for the existing Exit logic of that field.

Hope one of this two will work.

Good luck,



Re: RE: Field Auto Exit

Hi Zoltán,

Thank you so much for your suggestion. I will contact to my vendor to set up the scanner for me. I hope in deeply that this solution will work. Please wait for result.


Re: RE: Field Auto Exit

Hi Zoltan ,

I'm back..Long time no see I know. You know that you were right that we can scan on PeopleSoft Enterprise One's application. It's no need to modified or used the 3rd party program any more. I found this when I went to installed my application for my customer in Thailand and have a test for the scanning. I use my customer's instrument and have configured the keyborad wedge to have a tab as suffix character. !!! it's work !!! Zoltan ! I can't believe that I have swimming around the pool for a month for this case. The different has came from my scanner it's too old and not updated. (there is no keyborad wedge function on my bad scanner ). Anyway , I would like to thanks for your kindness. I'm very new on PeopleSoft Enterprise One Development and may have many question in the future. I hope that this will not interrupt you so much.......

Thanks again,

Manoch :grin:
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