F4211 Edit Line - adding a line, specifying the line#

  • Thread starter Frosty the Coder
  • Start date

Frosty the Coder

Legendary Poster
I'm going to tell my wife to inscribe my grave marker w/"F4211 Edit Line killed him".

This time, I'm trying to add lines to an order, mimicking split lines.
IE Order 1 Line 1 exists. I want to add lines 1.001 and 1.100

Does anyone know how to do this, and will they please share that w/me?

(I thought I'd done this before, probably on 8.10.
I tried jogging my memory, but pulled a brain muscle.)


(playing in 8.12)
Are you truly trying to split lines? If so, there is a function that will split SO lines (AdvancedSODetailLineSplit).
Can't you just specify the line number you want to use and pass it into Edit Line? The reason I say this is we used R47011 at one time to convert orders from an existing system into JDE. We loaded the orders onto the F47 tables with the existing line numbers from the original order. I then modified the processing options to tell the R47011 to either generate a new number or use the existing number from the table.

If PO cOneTimeSOConv is not equal to <Blank> And PO cOneTimeSOConv is not equal to <Null>
VA rpt_mnLastLineNumber_LNID = BC Line Number (F47012)
Sales Order Detail, Increment Line Number
End If

VA rpt_mnLastLineNumber_LNID is what is passed into Edit Line with the 2 way arrow.

This worked for us. It could work for your purposes too? You would just take your exisitng line number, add whatever to it, then condition your call to Edit Line. If the condition was right, call edit line passing in your line number. If not, have it pass in the default line number?

Just a thought.
I'm trying to keep two diff order types (ST and SO), w/the same order#,
synchronized as far as line#s and qtys.

Immed after the ST is ship confirmed the SO needs to be updated to have the same lines.

I've tried passing the desired line# into edit line, but as of right now, it's not working.
(Though RIGHT NOW, I'm getting an error in edit line so that NOTHING is working.....)
Try debuggin F4211 Edit Line fxn and see where it is failing. Edit lines does validations before uploading in the Cache table if that fails it throws error. One such i encountered was that it checked for data in F41021, and in my case it didnt existed. After creating the data it just ran smoothly. Check for that, hopefully it should work..

I would run it in debug to see where it dies. It can be a mess but you sure get to learn a lot.
Also you can try to turn your cCMWriteToWFFlag = 2 so it will write it to the F42UI01, F42UI11 and F42UI12 tables and F40UI74 (pricing) so you can actually see whats going in them. you can look in the logs for the "Insert into xxxx.F42UI01*" to find whats trying to get put in. Theres a bunch of different things you can try.

But for short you should be able to pass in the line number you want so long as it isnt currently being used with that doc type.
Are you calling the F4211 Pre Process Values For Edit Line (B4200310) function, and passing in the line number to this function, prior to calling Edit Line?
No i am not.
In my case i call the F4211FSBeginDoc, then I call a Custom BF i made that does the following:
Sets some default values
Calls the N4200870-IncrementSalesDetailLineNumber (here you can porbably increment your line number by 1.000, and maybe even by 0.100 etc.
Then i call my F4211FSEditLine
Finish my BF with some more custom unimportant stuff
(including some stuff to calculate taxes )

I repeat this step for every line on my sales order

Then i call the F4211FSEndDoc

Hope this helps
N4200870-IncrementSalesDetailLineNumber !
That's the bsfn that I had seen a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away!

As far as the other thoughts:
Edit Line is throwing 078M.
I can't debug it locally, as VERTEX is active, and not found locally.
I do have "insert into jdelog" in the ER,
but that doesn't show what's going on in the C bsfn.
I am running the Edit Line Pre-process.

Thx - Gene
Be careful with the Pre-Process BSFN. If I remember correctly it will blank out columns in the F4211. I don't remember which ones but any is not a good thing.
Don't know if that might be causing an issue or not.
Update - another coder spotted (in the server log) that EDIT LINE was trying to readd a line.
(Due to an IF test malfunctioning, due to a VA whose scope had changed from evt to rpt).
Once this was corrected, the code worked as it should.

A 2nd set of eyes can be so very very helpful.
Error: Delete from cache F42UI11 ex failed

Hi. Just wondering if anybody can assist on an error we have been trying to resolve. When our sales group is entering orders in the P4210 application, they are getting an error "Delete from cache F42UI11 ex failed". We had searhed the forums but not much was seen on this subject. I am hoping I could get some help from you guys on how to resolve this problem. We are currently at OneWorld B7332.

Kind regards,

Re: Error: Delete from cache F42UI11 ex failed

We were encountering the same thing... but only on machines that had a machine name with a length = 15 characters. Once we renamed them to 14 characters or less, we no longer received the issue.
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