Ending prices in advanced pricing


Hi guys (and girls),

does anyone of you know if there is a batch which I can use to set all of my prices which are in advanced pricing on an expired date of today (for instance)

I have tried to use the batch R41840 but this one didn't give me the outcome I need.

Hi Jessica

I am not aware of an existing UBE, but (a less elegant solution) could be to use SQL through which you can quite easily set the expiry date for (a group of) adjustments. The table in which the data is stored is F4072 and the field name = ADEXDJ. In your 'where' section you can specify the adjustment (AST) or even the item/customer key (ICID) and if required a join to the F4094 which holds the group key information.

Good luck in het Brabantse
Hi Sef,

Due to integrity problems and trying to solve this by making adjustments in the tables by using SQL we have had greater problems.

Therefor we don't want to solve things by making adjusments in the tables because we don't know if there are more tables which are involved.

If there is no UBE, my collegues have to change them manually than.

Thanks anyway.
