Don't want to use a workfile


Active Member
Don\'t want to use a workfile

Hi everybody!

Can the following be done without using a workfile, and if so how:

I have a batch application that needs to break (level-break footer) on Parent Address Number from table F0150.
The Parent Address number is retrieved from a left-outer join between F42199 and F0150 (where say SHAN.F42199 is linked to AN8.F0150)

Now the problem is that not all Ship-to-addressnumbers in the F42199 can be found in the F0150. So, in that situation instead of taking the PA8 from the F0150, the PA8 is equal to SHAN

IF BC Address Number - Parent (F0150) is equal to <NULL>
BC Address Number - Parent (f0150) = BC Address Number - Ship To (F42199)
End If

The problem as far as I can tell will be the Sequencing.

Re: Don\'t want to use a workfile


One avenue you might investigate is using a custom UDC to write the PA8 values to (DRKY.F0005). Then execute a UBE that uses V0005A with the data selection and sequencing set appropriately. For each PA8 found, do a table I/O using your Business View (left-outer join between F42199 and F0150) firstly for the PA8.F0150, then if no I/O success, use SHAN.F42199.

There may be other ways using a custom UDC. I have used custom UDCs for all manner of reasons - rarely as a code lookup for a description.

Another possibility may be using the supplemental data facility (P00091, P00092; F00090 to F00092).