DMAAI Use within 1 company


Is there a way to use the same doc type,company and gl class combination yet have the GL distribtion go to different branch plants as indicated in the DMAAI's or pulled from the SO.
ei dct = SO, co. 1, bp = 123 gl = 12345
dct = SO, co. 1, bp = blank, gl = 45678 - in this case the branch plant would be pulled from the sales order.
If I try to enter the same doc type,co #, gl class combination in the DMAAI's I get an error indicating the record already exists.
We have a situation where I want to use the same doc types that are in use but the GL dist would be different depending on the BP used.
I am looking for a way to do this without having to add another doc type. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Depending on how you are determining which branch plant to use, Flex accounting might work for you.
Hi Karin,
take a look at the processing options on the R42800 (sales update) which should give you the solution you require.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Warm regards

I have looked at the processing options on the sales update but am not
getting the results I want. Here is my set up for the revenue DMAAI 4230

Co Doc Ty GL Cat BP Object Sub
00000 SO **** 53205
00010 SO **** 53208

I have one SO, where the BP is 1130 and another SO where the BP is 1320
both in Co. 00010. When I do the sales update, the SO for BP 1130 is
updating using the co 00000 object of 53205 - and that is what I want for
that BP. The workcentre gives me the following error on the second SO for
BP 1320

Subject : CAUSE . . . . The Account Number field being processed
does not allow blanks or zeros
to be entered.
RESOLUTION. . Enter a non-blank or non-zero value

In the R42800 PO I have tried all the options and only the one SO is
processing each time. Is my set up correct? Was my original question not
specific enough?

Any help greatly appreciated again....


<peterbanmobile@btin To: [email protected]> cc:
Sent by: Subject: Re: DMAAI Use within 1 company

04/16/2004 02:07 PM
Please respond to
JDELIST Applications

peterban replied to your post at the site: .

Hi Karin,
take a look at the processing options on the R42800 (sales update) which
should give you the solution you require.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Warm regards


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Oracle 8.0.6, RS6000, AIX 4.2, Win 95/98, WTS, HTML clients
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