Display backorder qty in the separated detail line on P4210


Hi List,
I have the P4210 set up to check availability and display backorder qty, but the system displays everything in one SO line. I need to the system automatically display the backorder quantity as new SO line . Is it possible?

Thank you for the help in advance.
Not that I am aware of. Automatic line splitting occurs when pick slips are printed (although for our release, we had to apply an ESU for this to occur).
I have found out that P4210 will automatically split the lines if I set Pick-up Request Generation to 1(Generate pick-up request) on Warehouse Tab of Processing Option of P4210.

However, I wonder if it does other things too since we only want to split the lines and nothing else. I have checked out if pick-up requests have generated and other relevant fields on the table, I found nothing else has been executed. I will appreciate if someone else can confirm my test results.

Thank you.
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