Difference between importing and manual entry?!


Active Member
Okay, I'm really stumped now...

(Btw. the following only happens on the web)

If I import a value (1 value from Excel: Cell A1) into the first cell of my grid om my custom app and then go to the next line I see that all fields are filled with values (no fields are marked red) but I still get the error Blanks invalid (errors which are in all row is exited events).

However if I manually type the exact same value into the same cell and then go the next line it doesn't give me an error.

Same thing happens when I for example import 100 values (lets say A1:A100). It will give me 1 blanks invalid error but all values of all 100 rows are filled in. If I did it manually I wouldn't get the error.

Am I missing something here? Is there some big secret about importing on the web that someone hasn't shared with me?! :p

Are u passing some UDC's from Excel to Grid ?
If so, then please see that the UDC's which u have created contain some leading space and also when to copy from excel to jde grid, don't keep any fields blank (always enter 1 blank space).
Hi Kiran PC,

I'm afraid I'm only importing normal values to the grid. So no UDCs.

Can't offer any concrete answers, but could it be caused by grid formats? I'm thinking that if you have any hidden grid columns, this could be throwing out the mapping from your excel spreadsheet into the grid.

Try making sure that you can see all the available grid columns, and that the data you are loading is in the exact same order.

As per what janemcs123 said, I think that when to directly enter record in grid, the grid column OR row exit event do some calculation in the background and update some hidden fields.

Can you try to Copy from Excel to Grid then Click Row after row so (If any) event is fired on the Grid row exit.


Kiran PC
We had a problem with right justified fields not importing correctly for time entry. What we eventually learned was that we could not have leading spaces in the account input field in the spreadsheet. The import process tests only the first character of input. If the first character is blank, the process assumes it is empty. The record appears to import all right but it does not work when we run payroll.

We reported this issue to J. D. Edwards. Eventually, they dialed in and debugged the issue. That is how we finally determined exactly what was happening. As far as I know, nothing was done to fix the problem. We have just learned to strip all leading and trailing spaces from spreadsheet values to eliminate any potential import problems.