Development workstation specs



Legendary Poster
We're currently running OneWorld XE, and use Windows 2000 Professional for our development client machines. However, in the pursuit of keeping current on software, we'd like to know if anyone else is using Windows XP Professional for development client machines (fat clients). I seem to recall reading posts in the past strongly encouraging use of Win2000 Pro, but haven't been able to find any posts about WinXP Pro.

So are there any Win XP Pro development clients out there? If so, are there any gotcha's you've run into or workarounds required?
I have been using XP Pro for about a year as a development workstation and have experienced only one minor gotcha!

The gotcha was System Restore (System Properties). With System Restore turned on Check Outs, Gets and sometimes Saves from FDA/RDA ran an extremely long time. After turning System Restore off the performance returned to what I experienced with Windows 2k.
I have used XP Pro as a fat client and development without any issues. If
you read back on the prior posts, just be sure to disable the system restore
feature or the workstation will be dog-slow due to disk I/O.


OneWorld B733.3 (XE)
SP 19.1_B1, Update 6
Win2k Server SP4
SQL 2000, SP2
Metaframe XPa v1.0/SP3

Xe, Update6 SP19.1_B1
SQL2k SP2, WIN2k SP4
Metaframe XPa SP2
I also have been using XP Pro for almost a year and have experienced the =
same issues but no additional ones.


XE Update 7 SP 21, AS400

Carrie Ricotta
Project Manager/Senior Consultant
M&D Information Systems, Inc.
775-719-9912 Fax
----- Original Message -----=20
From: barrier=20
To: [email protected]=20
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Development workstation specs

I have been using XP Pro for about a year as a development workstation =
and have experienced only one minor gotcha!The gotcha was System Restore =
(System Properties). With System Restore turned on Check Outs, Gets and =
sometimes Saves from FDA/RDA ran an extremely long time. After turning =
System Restore off the performance returned to what I experienced with =
Windows 2k.
Xe - SP 20 UD 6 / ES NT - W2K - SQL 2K / Clients - XP Pro
ERP8.0 - SP 20 / ES NT - W2K - SQL 2K / Clients - XP Pro
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