Debugging P43070


Hi list :

In the P43070 giving a click in release, the events occur in the next sequence :

1. FIX INSPECT FORM - Dialog is Initialized
2. FIX INSPECT FORM - Post Dialog is Initialized
3. I enter the password
4. EDIT Password Entered - Control Exited / Changed-Asynch
5. HYPITEM &OK - Button Clicked
6. FIX INSPECT FORM - End Dialog

And all this is ok, but when I release an order from another company, the events occur in other order :

1. FIX INSPECT FORM - Dialog is Initialized
2. FIX INSPECT FORM - Post Dialog is Initialized
3. I enter the password
4. EDIT Password Entered - Control Exited / Changed-Asynch
5. HYPITEM &OK - Button Clicked
6. FIX INSPECT FORM - Post Dialog is Initialized

Any idea why # 6 has changed ?

Thanks in advance
We hadn't defined the hold code in the P42090 and now the problem has desappeared.