Custom UBE Causes a Memory Violation


Active Member
Hi Group,
I have a custom report ends with error only in PY900, in DV900 run correctly. When I run this report in PY (FAT or on the server) ends with error, "EventRule : The ER line [8145] for Event [13] in Section [AON Entrant] has caused a memory violation.". The same report excuted in DV900 (FAT or Server) ends normaly.
The Enterprise Server is the same for DV et PY. I was looking in KG and for a similare issue, I did not find any.
Please any help to fix this issue.


  • 173002-JdeList_Post_Problem_Memory_Violation.doc
    72.5 KB · Views: 311

The problems you describe sound like there is something missing in PY that is there in DV. I don't have any experience with E9 yet, but with previous versions, the ER Line number was not always that accurate.

The best way to track this down would be to get a debug log and see what it records around the execution of the ER Line in question.

There is a workflow command just before the line that is mentioned (End If). If it is actually run (ie the If is met), does that workflow execute properly? Is the workflow process started successfully?
Thanks Peter for your reply,
1. I'll check the workflow to see if process successfuly.
2. I'll attach the jdedebug.log, in the jdedebug.log you'll see that "leaked data pointer", but my function B570002 is correct.
Any help in Jdedebug.log


    486.1 KB · Views: 83

There is no closure of the file opened by the OpenImportFile function in the debug log. It looks like the file is left open at the end of UBE. I'm guessing that somehow, the file get's closed when the UBE is run in DV or it is not opened. You might have to get a debug of the run in DV and compare it with the debug of the PY run. Check to see if the OpenImportFile function is run and see if the CloseImportFile is run afterwards.
Hi Group,
I concider my issue is solved. What I did, I copied the old report R55xxxx to R55xxxxA, I did a package build DV & PY, I tested the new report in DV & PY, the report ends normaly with out Memory violation.
Thanks for all who helps, and special thanks for Peterbruce.

Not really solved, until you know the 'reason'. Until then, it is only 'resolved'.... schemantiks....

You might ER Compare the two UBEs while logged into PY?

