Converting Spooled file output to text


Hi all,
I am a Oneworld technical guy,but entering into worldsoft(A7.3.1)now, Can anyone tell me how to convert the spooled file output to text file? Is there any tools available for this conversion?
Thanks in advance...

We at TDG use Evergreen's AS400 Report Downloader which will do what you
want as well as output to Excel, pdf, Word, Email, HTML etc.
It is robust and not very expensive. Our users love it! You can get a free
30 day full evaluation at the link below;


Rob Page
Transport Development Group.
It really depends upon what form of reports you are coming from, ie. FASTR, WW, DW or STAR. They each have their own peculiarities.
Using the AS400 command, CPYSPLF you can copy any AS400 spoolfile to a file that can then be downloaded to an ASCII text file on your PC.
FASTR and World Writer both have built in tools to create files that can be downloaded to various formats on the PC, such as MS excel, csv, EBCIDC or ASCII text.
This is really easy if you use the iSeries Navigator system that comes with
iSeries Access. You need to have Windows Explorer open when you start. In
iSeries Navigator select Basic Operations, then Printer Output. Find your
spooled file, click on it with your mouse and drag it into your Windows
Explorer window. When you release the mouse button, your spooled file will
be copied to your local file system as a .txt file.


Jon Curry
Director of Information Technology
Farmers Co-operative Dairy Limited A7.3 cum13
P.O. Box 8118
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3K 5Y6

Phone: (902) 835-4018
Fax: (902) 835-4039
E-mail: [email protected]

We at TDG use Evergreen's AS400 Report Downloader which will do what you
want as well as output to Excel, pdf, Word, Email, HTML etc.
It is robust and not very expensive. Our users love it! You can get a free
30 day full evaluation at the link below;


Rob Page
Transport Development Group.
There are two documents on the knowledge garden; WST-01-0031, WST-99-0200.

Skumars <[email protected]> wrote:Hi all, I am a Oneworld technical guy,but entering into worldsoft(A7.3.1)now, Can anyone tell me how to convert the spooled file output to text file? Is there any tools available for this conversion?Thanks in advance...Skumars
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