Commitment/ Allocation Method


It seems that the Commitment or Allocation Method as set forth in the Item Branch Plant does not work in our system (A7.3 cum 4).
We intend to let JDE to suggest the processing of item with lot with the nearest expiry date. Meaning, the user will not enter the location and lot and will let JDE to perform the selection based on the Allocation Method code of "3" (nearest expiry date).
The problem is the system always selects the primary location regardless of the set up.

What could be the problem? Thanks.
You may want to check your commitment control in your manufacturing constants. We use system assigned lot numbers and commit when we print a MFG Parts List and it is pulling oldest inventory first.
You have to ensure that Lot Process Type is set to '3' and
Allocation Method to '3' in the item master
in for all items having
expiry date. System will pick items with earliest expiry date instead of
picking form the primary location.

Nandan Shah

A 7.3 Cume 11

At 23:30 19/08/2003 -0700, you wrote:

<blockquote type=3Dcite class=3Dcite cite>It seems that the Commitment or
Allocation Method as set forth in the Item Branch Plant does not work in
our system (A7.3 cum 4).We intend to let JDE to suggest the processing of
item with lot with the nearest expiry date. Meaning, the user will
not enter the location and lot and will let JDE to perform the selection
based on the Allocation Method code of "3" (nearest expiry
date).The problem is the system always selects the primary location
regardless of the set up.What could be the problem? Thanks.

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A 7.3 Cume 11
The set up you've mentioned has been done already. But still it does not work.

Could there be some processing options that govern this?
I am sorry. It should be done at the Branch Plant Level. Check the BP
record, not item master

Nandan Shah

At 18:38 20/08/2003 -0700, you wrote:

A 7.3 Cume 11