comma separation in csv


Reputable Poster
hello all,

can someone help me with this pleez?

i am trying to print a report to its csv fmt. but allthou all numbers have comma separation (edit codes) on the csv version of the report - it doesnot show up on the csv fmt - it does however show up in its pdf.

how do i get the numbers showing with commas on csv fmt?

pls help!

thanks in advance

the question really was -

how can i show numbers with commas on the excel sheet when report printed to the csv fmt?

hope i am clear.


YES - you are clear, regarding the comma issue and exporting to CSV
(Excel) format.

The issue is that a CSV is a comma delimited file - meaning that
commas seperate each field on a row. Text is "quoted" and numbers are
not quated. If the comma-seperator was within the CSV - your number
would become 'several' numbers....

You have a couple choices. You could format the Numeric Value into a
text field (that would be a pain) or you could explain the issue to
the Excel Gurus and have the format the Excel Column once it pops on
on their screen (the latter is the best choice).



makes absolute sense! i have asked the users to handle the numbers and fmtg on excel.

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