ckeck-in problems


Active Member
I just started seeing check-in problems today from a few developers. The first time the check in fails. The second try gives a general method error and logging states: Final source and target record counts do not match for object xxxxx and table F98741. The 3rd try to check in the object then works.

The only common denominator here seems to be client access v5r3 though the two were on different patches. One on the latest and another on an older one.

Any ideas what is going on here?
You've identified the problem, Client Access. I had this same problem yesterday working on a "spare" box I use periodically for testing. I kept having a problem checking in until my CNC guy looked at the version of Client Access. In my case, I was using a slightly older version that needed upgrading. I'm now on V5R2 (which I had before), SL10914 (the service level was off). Try rolling back the developers having a problem to the version that is working for you. Hope this helps.
Yes, thanks, i uninstalled the latest CA update and the base seems to work fine.
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