Central Objects timeout issue


VIP Member
Good day. I have recently been experiencing issues where while I am developing, my fat client loses connection to the Central Objects. It really hasn't been that big of an issue till yesterday when I lost a half-day's worth of work even though I was saving. Then after I re-did the work, while saving and checking-in/out to try to ensure I didn't lose the work, the specs got corrupted. Has anyone seen this? Any ideas where I could look to fix this this?

Don't know if I updated my env settings since I swapped jobs but: AS/400 CO/ES, Oneworld 8.12, DB/2-400.

I think you you are having this issue due to some heavy network traffic.

Check JDENETTimeout setting in the [NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS] section of the jde.ini on your Fat Client. Increase the time out value there and see if it works.