can't find the file 'x0005.c' 'when check out 'x0005'


Active Member
can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'

When I check out the BSFN 'X0005',there is an error 'can't find the file 'x0005.c''.Anyone can help me?
Re: can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'


This may be simple, but does x0005.c exist in the pathcode on the client machine?
Re: can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'

X0005.c is not longer shipped with the product. It's function was absorbed into the Kernel long. . long ago.
Re: can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'


This may be simple, but does x0005.c exist in the pathcode on the client machine?
which pathcode?I can't find the 'x0005.c' on the client or the server machine.
Re: can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'

X0005.c is not longer shipped with the product. It's function was absorbed into the Kernel long. . long ago.
thx for your reply.You mean I have got a Kernel err?How can I resolve it?
Re: can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'


Checking out an object causes the specs to be copied to the local client from the deployment server. For business functions this includes the .c files. However Darren Ricciardi (aka WhippingBoy) has pointed out that the x0005.c is no longer shipped with the software and has not for a "long. . long" time. What this means is that x0005 cannot be checked out. It does not mean that there is anything wrong the kernal.

If you look at the source directory under any pathcode, you will not find x0005.c.
Re: can\'t find the file \'x0005.c\' \'when check out \'x0005\'

What do you think is wrong with x0005?
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