Can report use images and arries??


Active Member
Hi, all. I have two question about the report.

First: Can report use iamges???
if the answer is yes, which type of the images can be used in report? Or any size limitation of images?

Second: Can report use array?
if the answer is yes, where the array can use?? Can I define the variable array derectly in ER? I see I can define the Date Item in array style, but how can I use such style DD??

Thank you for your help in advance.

First: Can report use iamges??? Yes...(But not realy graphic)

I have created ERW report where i have to put the company Logo. Insted of using graphic, i used Font creating software and careated 1 font with the Logo of the company. Then in the design mode of ERW i insert a Constant Variable and change the font to the New font i created (Remember to increse the font size) ;)

Second: Can report use array?
I dont have any idea of this...
Hi Ned,

There's no inbuilt functionality in ER for using arrays. If you need them you'll need to write yourself a C bsfn. However you might be able to achieve what your after by using a workfile, though it won't be anywhere near as efficient.


Hi All,

I jsut noticed that there is an attribute named "Item Occurrences" in DD definition. So what's the meaning of the this attribute? When shall I setup this attribute? Is it somewhat realted to the Array usage?
THank you for help.
The "Item Occurrences" in the DD can be used to create a specific number of DD items with the same attributes (type, size etc) and an incremented alias. e.g. DD item AC has been used to create 20 address book cat code DD items called AC01, AC02 through to AC20. It's just an easy way of creating similar items.


Thanks. I think I make a misunderstand about "Item Occurrences". It's clear now! :)