Calling NER from C BSFN


Active Member
i am new to C BCFN. got one requiremnt from client to modify a C BSFN. i need to call one NER from C BSFN. In .h file of the C bsfn i had added the Include< N55***.h> and then in .c file, in declare Structure type i had declared the structure. i need to pass doco,dcto,lnid to NER and as return i wil get factor value. so i coded only for doco to NER data struture but when i am compling i am facing error as 'undeclared identifier'. plz find the attachment for details. need to solve the issue asap. help me out friends.


  • 162853-Calling NER BSFN Error.txt
    3.6 KB · Views: 107
For the data structure, have you bult the NER already? Try including the .h file directly in your c file. A little redundant, but the errors are due to the data structure not being found.

I don't know if you already are, but try using jdeCallObject to call the NER. Here's an example

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
jdeCallObject(_J("CalculateQtyOnHand"), NULL,lpBhvrCom,lpVoid, (LPVOID)&dsGetOnHand,(CALLMAP*)NULL, (int)0, (JCHAR*)NULL, (JCHAR*)NULL,(int)0);
</pre><hr />

You're only going to be changing the name of the function called and the name of the data structure (change dsGetOnHand to the data structure you use.
You don't show how/where DSD55AB01 that is defined. If I am following what you've given us, you want to declare that as DSD5542RSP01 instead of DSD55AB01.

The build error is stating you have not defined what DSD55AB01 is. According to the DS typedef you pasted in your c-function header, the NER data structure is of type: DSD5542RSP01. That should be used to declare your dsAB01 variable.

In other words, instead of:
<font color="blue">DSD55AB01 dsAB01; // DS declare </font>

You should have:
<font color="blue">DSD5542RSP01 dsAB01; </font>